Basic information

Name of the project: Jorori Water Project

Funding source: CDF

Name of the facility: Jorori water Project

Type of facility: Water & sanitation


District: Kwale

Division: Matuga

Location: Tsimba

sub-location: Mazumalume

Village: Msulwa


Postal: 167 Shimba hills

Funding information

Money allocated: 6,182,960

Money used: 6,182,960

Community contribution: None

period of the project: 2 years

Contractor: Tadeco

Procurement: PMC

Tendering: PMC

Monitoring and evaluation: CDFC

Identification of the project: Community

Implementation of  the project: PMC (Phase 1)

Quality and status of the project

Quality of the project: Poor

Status of the project: Stalled

Relevance of the project to the pressing needs of the community: Relevant

Additional links and link to the map

link to the MAP

Link to the kenya open DATA